HealthDrive Account App Creation (ALL)
HealthDrive Account App Creation
Adding accounts for all HD applications
Note: To create any accounts, the helpdesk technician needs to be a security administrator in SQL. Approval must be made by management first before access is granted.
This documentation assumes the new user has been added to Active Directory before the account creation for HealthDrive apps can be conducted. Most accounts should be created under the Massachusetts service center; exceptions would be if the user is located and works in a specific territory. For example, a Regional Account Manager (RAM) or Regional Director of Operations (RDO) should be created in the service center in which they work.
- (If applicable) Change the service center to the state in which the account needs to be created
- Go to the Maintenance tab and select User settings
- Select the Add new button at the bottom of the screen
- Fill in the following information in the User Info tab
- Login: SRVHDMASS\[AD username]
- First: First name
- Last: Last name
- Phone: 617-964-6681 (HealthDrive main number)
- E-Mail: Email address of the user
- In the ‘Scheduling’ settings, choose any Specialty (default). User’s role should reflect what department the new user will be a part of – if none match, Scheduling is the appropriate selection
- Select the following user permissions:
- Choose Service Center
- Uncheck any additional permissions
- Save Data
- (If applicable) Change the service center to the state in which the account needs to be created
- Go to the Maintenance tab and select User settings
- Select the Add new button at the bottom of the screen
- Fill in the following information in the User Info tab
- Login: SRVHDMASS\[AD username]
- First: First name
- Last: Last name
- E-Mail: Email address of the user
- In the User permissions tab, select the following user permissions:
- Choose Service Center
- Uncheck any additional permissions
- Save
Priority Care (PC)
- (If applicable) Change the service center to the state in which the account needs to be created
- Go to the Maint. tab and select User settings
- Select the Add new button at the bottom of the screen
- Fill in the following information in the User Info tab
- Login: SRVHDMASS\[AD username]
- First: First name
- Last: Last name
- Specialty: Choose any
- E-Mail: Email address of the user
- In the User permissions tab, select the following user permissions:
- Choose Service Center
- Uncheck any additional permissions
- Save
Print Medical Records (PMR)
- This is done through the billing corrections websites – once the account is created the user can load the app. Note: There is a separate website and account needed for Texas since there is a separate database specifically for this state. Accounts need to be created in both locations. These two accounts also allow the user to see billing corrections – note their username and password when sending login info to the user’s manager. The two websites are the following:
Welcome - HealthDrive Billing Errors
- Log into the Billing Corrections Website
- Click Sign In
- Enter your username
- Enter the code sent to your email
- Select Users at the top of the screen
- Select New at the far right of the screen
- The Add screen will contain duplicate information of your login – please overwrite this data with the new user information:
- Email: enter User's email address
- First Name: User’s first name
- Last Name: User’s last name
- SC Allowed (their allowed service center's – if none needed select MA)
- Default SC (their Default service center)
- Under User Roles (pictured above) select the desired options. For standard users, typically the following are selected: Billing Manager, Reg_Affairs.
- Click Save at the bottom
- Password
Go to the HDEMR database
- SELECT * FROM [HDEMR].[dbo].[EMR_users]
where lname='last name of user'
PasswordHash column needs data (copy from another user)
HealthDrive Billing System (HDBS)
- Go to the Administration tab at the top of the app and select Users (all SCs)
- Click the blue + button to add a new user
- Fill in the following information in the User Info tab
- Login: SRVHDMASS\[AD username]
- Last Name: Last name
- First Name: First name
- Job Title: If applicable, such as ‘SAISystems’
- E-Mail: Email address of the user
- Default Service Center: MA, unless otherwise specified
- Under Roles, assign the following items by double-clicking on them in the left column: All Centers login and No Rights and Save
- Go to the Maintenance tab and select User settings
- Select the Add new button at the bottom of the screen
- Fill in the following information in the User Info tab
- Login: SRVHDMASS\[AD username]
- SC: Choose service center
- First: First name
- Last: Last name
- Position: Select the appropriate position for the user
- E-Mail: Email address of the user
- Under the User permissions tab, select View prov. cred. Documents
- Save
HealthDrive Business Intelligence Portal (BI)
- Fill in the following information in the Create a New Account page
- User Name: [AD username]
- First name: First name
- Last name: Last name
- E-Mail: Email address of the user
- Password: (Example) [first initial][last initial]HDc2014! – jDHDc2014!
- Click Register – a confirmation email will be sent to the user’s account. The user will need to click on the URL within the email to confirm the creation of their account
- Once the account is confirmed by the user, log into the BI Admin account and click on the User settings tab
- Search for the new user and select the Edit icon
- Fill in the following information in the user’s account
- Check Active button
- Role: Choose an appropriate role as per the user’s requirements
- Title: User’s title
- DefaultSC: Default Service Center
- Title: If needed
- Phone: 617-964-6681 (HealthDrive main number)
- Reports to: Direct report
- SC allowed: Service Centers the user is allowed to view
- Specialty(ies) allowed: Specialties the user is allowed to view
- Select update to save