Registration/Deleting Users for Telehealth visits
Registering/Deleting users is utilized by our providers to perform telehealth services – Primarily utilized by Behavioral Health, users will need an account to use the service. This is a paid service that operates through the BH EMR.
- At the bottom of the Visit Info screen in the BH EMR is a button labeled Suppl. (Supplemental) Forms. Under this heading is the link for Telehealth
- This will open up a browser window within the EMR where the user can log in using the credentials given to them. Instructions are provided below on how to manage accounts
NOTE: The paid account is a specific website and not - do not have the user open a separate browser like Edge to conduct telehealth visits! Users will need a full account and access it through the EMR; the process is easier and more secure for telehealth.
Account Creation
Password: Healthdrive2020* (case sensitive)
- Log into central account using the login info above
- Click on ‘Account Settings’ located on left hand side under ‘Account’ column
- Click on ‘Clinic Settings’ at top of screen (3rd from the Right)
- To Add User:
- Go to ‘Manager Users’ and Click on ‘Expand’
- Always use the ‘Search’ option first to confirm BH provider is not already set up. If not set up, proceed with adding…
- At bottom of screen, click on ‘Add Users’
NOTE: If you receive notification that ‘You have reached your user limit’, click on ‘Increase Limit’. It will inform you the current total number of users and ask you the TOTAL users you now want. You would then add up previous and new and enter that TOTAL number (ex. currently there are 134 users and you need to add 5 users, you would enter ‘You now want 139 users’). Then click ‘Update Users.’ Then go back to ‘Manage Users’ and follow steps above
- Add each provider to include: [HealthDrive Email], [First Name], [Last Name] [Room Name=first letter of first name and full last name]. If room name already exists, use providers full name
- Click on ‘CREATE ACCOUNT;’ DO NOT click on ‘Send Invitation’ – THIS IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER
- Click on ‘Add Users’ again at bottom to complete
- will send Provider an email invitation with a unique password to register
- Once registered, the provider ‘Status’ will change to ‘Member.’
Account Deletion
- Go to ‘Manager Users’ and Click on ‘Expand’
- Use can use the Search Option to search for the provider you want to delete or scroll down to find the provider’s name on list
- To the far right of provider’s record, you will see a red circle with a (-) in middle. Click on this to delete user.
- Click ‘Log-Out’ on Left hand side under Account column
**Important: If you have more than 1 provider to add, setup all new users at the same time (do not add 1 user at a time).